4-Step Live-In Treatment Application Process
Step 1: Submission of Documents
The Intake Coordinator requires the following documents in advance of applicant processing:
- Online Youth Live-In Treatment Application form completed by youth; AND
- Caregiver Background & Referral Information Form completed by caregiver(s) or referral; AND
- Consent Tx – 16 and up or Consent Tx – under 16; AND
- Consent for Release & Exchange of Information AND
- Consent McHugh Education Centre (Required for our Academic Program); AND
- Academic transcript, Credit Summary and IEP (if applicable) from last school attended; AND
- Completed GAIN Q3 (if available) and Discharge Summary from all previously attended programs (mental health or addiction); AND
- If applicable, pre-sentence report (PSR) and/or Probation Order (available from probation/parole officer, lawyer or court)
These documents can be:
- E-mailed:
admissions@davesmithcentre.org (put the client name in the subject line please) - Faxed:
613-831-0044 Attention: Intake Coordinator - Mailed (or delivered to):
DSYTC, 1895 Bradley side road, Carp, Ontario K0A 1L0 Attention: Intake Coordinator
Step 2: Telephone Screening Interview
Once all forms in Step 1 have been submitted, the youth applicant should contact the Intake Coordinator to schedule the telephone screening interview at:
Intake Coordinator: Email or call Sue at 1-613-594-8333 ext. 2205 or admissions@davesmithcentre.org.
Step 3: Application Approval Decision
The online application, screening interview results and collateral documents are reviewed and approval status is determined by the DSYTC admissions committee. The client is then notified of their approval status.
Step 4: Scheduling of Admission
Admission date for approved wait list clients is assigned once space becomes available.
Please note: Admissions are scheduled based on sequence of approval rather than sequence of application.
General Information Inquiries
Call Angie at 1-613-594-8333 ext 1101
Specific Application Inquiries
Intake Questions: Sue or call 1-613-594-8333 ext. 2205
Program information and schedules and a photo gallery are available on the website.