The DSYTC utilizes the Global Appraisal of Individual Needs (GAIN) family of assessment tools given their diagnostic, treatment planning and program evaluation benefits, as well as given they are validated for use with adolescents, generate invaluable reports and facilitate the use of evidence-based practice.
During the intake phase, applicants will complete the GAIN-Q3-MI-ONT with the DSYTC Intake Coordinator. This process helps identify the most pressing needs for the individual and determine the most appropriate level of service required. The GAIN-Q3 also gets re-administered as part of our Continuous Quality Improvement process at various intervals in the future (e.g., 6 months).
Shortly after live-in treatment admission, youth clients complete the GAIN-I. This detailed assessment permits the comprehensive identification of substance use, mental health and other issues, and facilitates the creation of an individualized, thorough and accurate treatment plan which is generated in collaboration with the client.