In addition to substance abuse/dependency, the vast majority of DSYTC clients also suffer from at least one mental health condition. Recognizing this and consistent with established best practices, the DSYTC aims to provide an integrated treatment approach which appropriately identifies and addresses concurrent mental health issues. As such, psychiatric consultation, assessment and treatment (e.g., pharmacotherapy) is available to live-in and continuing care clients.
Psychiatric services at the DSYTC are provided in partnership with Dr. Robert Milin, MD, FRCPC, FAPA.
Brief Biography – Dr. Robert Milin, MD, FRCPC, FAPA
Dr. Milin graduated from the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Ottawa where he completed his residency training in Psychiatry. He then went on to complete dual fellowships in Child and Adolescent, and in Addiction Psychiatry.
Dr. Milin is an Associate Professor and served as the Head of the Division of Addiction & Mental Health at the University of Ottawa, Department of Psychiatry. He was the Founding Clinical Director of the Youth Psychiatry Program at the Royal Ottawa Mental Health Centre, (ROMHC). For over 25 years he served as the Director of the Adolescent Day Treatment/School Unit at the ROMHC. Dr. Milin is the Consulting Psychiatrist with the Dave Smith Youth Treatment Centre, provincial centre for youth live in addiction treatment, and Consulting Psychiatrist for youth/adult ADHD at the ByWard Family Health Clinic in Ottawa.
Dr. Milin was a Clinical Investigator of longstanding with the Institute of Mental Health Research, University of Ottawa where his research interests focused on youth substance/cannabis use disorder, developmental psychopathology and more recently youth mental health awareness and stigma. His research publications have received over 1000 citations. Dr. Milin has given over 200 peer-reviewed and invited presentations.
Dr. Milin has been a recipient of The American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry’s (AACAP) prestigious Elaine Schlosser Lewis Award; awarded annually for the best research paper published in the Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. He has also received the honour of being named a “Master Clinician” by the AACAP in recognition of his outstanding work in the field.
Dr. Milin has served on numerous international and national professional association committees including the American Psychiatric Association, Council on Addiction Psychiatry and the AACAP Substance Abuse Committee. He has been an expert contributor to professional practice parameters and policies. Dr. Milin is a member of the Editorial Board of the American Journal on Addictions and has served for many years on the Board of Directors of the American Academy of Addiction Psychiatry. Dr. Milin is an internationally recognized clinical expert in youth and addiction psychiatry.