In order to reduce the risks that lead to relapse, facilitate community linkage and support, and to maximize the long-term success of program participants, ACC counsellors engage youth and families immediately after completion of the live-in treatment phase (even if clients leave sooner than the 3 months).
Unlike traditional addiction treatment wherein the onus is often on the client to follow-up with aftercare services, the ACC model places that onus on the treatment provider. As such, ACC counsellors are mobile and will work to ensure timely and regular contact with youth and caregivers – whether it is at their home, school or another agreed upon location. In short, clients won’t need to come to us because we’ll go to them!
In addition to love and support, research indicates that there are 4 critical practices that caregivers can adopt so to help their youth in their recovery:
- Role model by not using alcohol or drugs in front of their youth (if at all).
- Communicate in a positive fashion (i.e., decrease blame and ‘put downs’).
- Monitor their youth’s whereabouts (where are they and with whom).
- Encourage and promote pro-social activities (and participate together).
These practices often entail further explanation and support to successfully implement so all engaged caregivers are invited to contact their Addiction Therapist or ACC Counsellor for further details.
Caregiver involvement is a critically important part of our treatment process. Specific services include caregiver support, family counselling and educational groups. Such family services are available to caregivers of youth within the live-in treatment program, as well as those who qualify for live-in treatment admission and are on the waitlist, and those engaged in ACC aftercare.
Potential reasons for family therapy referral include: unhealthy family communication, substantial family conflict, poor boundary awareness/adherence, need for transitional support, parental role modeling enhancement, difficulty coping with high emotional distress, etc. Parents are encouraged to talk to their youth’s Therapist or ACC Counsellor to inquire further about these services.